Integrative Health Nutrition Coach

Integrative Health Nutrition Coach

My name is Katerina and I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a certified yoga instructor. My love affair with food started as early as I can remember myself. My mother’s passion for everything that is green, flowers, and bears fruit or not, instilled in me a great appreciation for all nature can give us when we put love into the soil. Caring for the plants, picking the harvest, and preserving it for the winter was hard work. As a reward, we enjoyed a year-round supply of organically grown whole food, and a cellar that looked like a treasure chest after we filled it to the top with jams and colorful cans of pickled everything. Home cooking is a staple in our family and everything I know I learned by watching my mother and grandmother skillfully throwing together to whip up a delicious healthy meal. Yoga came into my life when I moved to the United States over a decade ago. I was mesmerized by my teachers and thought to myself that this is how I want to be – strong and comfortable with my body when I reach my silver years and, God willing, have a bunch of grandchildren to roll around. Yoga introduced me to an invaluable practice of mindfulness and controlled breath that is essential for coping with stress and excessive worrying that was my tendency throughout the years.  I earned my YTT 200 certification from Verge BodyMind Center.

Throughout the years I’ve been learning about different wellness practices, fitness, emotional intelligence, and the human brain. I kept what I knew to myself thinking that no one needs and wants to know these things until the day when during my studies as a health coach I heard something that turned my world upside down. That was, if nothing changes in the way we live and eat now, our children will have a shorter life expectancy than us. What?!?! How scary and wrong is that? I just gave birth to my son and that message stopped me in my tracks. Something has to be done about it and it has to be now. Horrific diseases that are claiming the lives of millions are in many cases lifestyle diseases. It is terrifying and empowering at the same time. Empowering because by making better choices we can ensure that being healthy is our natural state of being and not an exception in overwhelming cases of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

So here I am offering you an amazing partnership. My passion is to teach you how to cook healthy, quick, and economical meals and help you shed those stubborn pounds that eat away at your confidence and don’t allow you to put on that gorgeous dress or a pair of jeans that you’ve been saving for a while. I want to help you forget about yo-yo dieting and be able to maintain a steady weight. My goal is to teach you about mindfulness and reintroduce you to your breath so that you can better cope with stress, which is one of the reasons those unwelcome pounds made your body their home. I also want to help you feel vibrant and energetic again by getting rid of the state of lethargy and brain fog. I am passionate about supporting you in becoming healthier and I hope you spread this knowledge further bringing wellness to your family and loved ones. My commitment is to support you in achieving your health goals by gently changing your everyday habits and looking at your lifestyle holistically.  There is no deprivation, no counting of calories, and switching to living solely on kale and quinoa. Don’t get me wrong I love both of those foods, however, our wellness and health are so much more than just food alone. You know that.

I am so excited I am finishing my Integrative Nutrition Health Coach certification training, however, I am not a doctor, registered dietitian, or fitness expert. I do have great respect for those professions.  We are all unique and what works for me might not work for you. When it comes to your personal health and fitness, please consult your doctor or another health professional before making major dietary changes, taking supplements, or doing anything else I may recommend you to do. Ok, here is my disclaimer. Now, if you are ready to reclaim your health, send me a message to schedule a free Health History Session. I can’t wait to hear from you!

With love, Katerina Ransom

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach



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