Weightloss Case studies
Weight loss Video Case studies
Weight loss Case Studies
George 520lbs -243lbs (277lbs Weight loss )


Forty-seven year-old George Petrovich weighs very close to what he weighed in high school. He can fit into his military college uniform. He is currently training for a triathlon, after which he says he will find another physical challenge. He does resistance training four times a week, often riding his bike to and from the gym. He swims regularly, and squeezes in cardio workouts whenever possible. He methodically plans each day’s meals ahead of time, balancing out perfect ratios of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Although his job forces him to visit restaurants on a regular basis, he never eats fast food, and has eliminated salt and processed foods from his diet. He cooks with herbs from his own garden, and bakes his own bread. “I don’t avoid any particular foods or deny myself,” explains George, “I just eat intelligently. Unless I can make a dish myself, the healthy way, I usually don’t eat it.”
George’s healthy lifestyle and approach to eating is close to perfect – the envy of all of us who strive for physical excellence. Yet, it wasn’t always that way. Two years ago George walked into Passion for Fitness weighing 520 pounds. “Before I came here, I was on the verge of death,” he explains, “I was functionally overweight, actively working 12 to 13 hours a day, but falling asleep every day after lunch. If I was not going to kill myself with poor nutrition, I would probably have killed myself while driving. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.”
George knew he wanted to get healthy, not only for himself, but for his nieces and nephews, several of whom are his godchildren. He wanted to be an active part of their lives and live a full life himself. One day, he picked up a coupon for a free consultation at Passion for Fitness, made an appointment to come in and meet with owner Joe Ransom, and never once looked back.
“I met with Joe and he immediately threw me into his program,” notes George, “He put me on a schedule to come into the gym three times that same week, and got me going on his food program, which is a tremendous tool. Joe started off at 100 miles an hour and I never even had a chance to reconsider my decision to start a weight loss program. After only a few weeks, I started to see results, then my own personal motivation kicked in. I have been blessed with a lot of great trainers here at Passion for Fitness, who really helped me make the most of my workouts and stick with the plan.”
Within a year, George lost the bulk of his weight (two-thirds of his total weight loss goal of 300 pounds). Currently weighing in at 244 pounds, George admits the challenges are getting harder, but he’s not about to give up. “A few months ago my mentality shifted from being on a ‘weight loss’ program to being on a ‘fitness program,” says George. “The weight loss has become secondary to fitness and a healthy lifestyle.” As he meticulously keeps track of his nutrition, he is as efficient as possible when it comes to his workouts and meals. Self-motivated and structured by nature, George plans out each and every meal on a daily basis. He carefully considers his ratios (protein/carbs/fats) when making decisions about what to eat. If he knows he will be dining out, he logs on to the restaurant website and chooses everything ahead of time, customizing his orders to eliminate sauces, high-fat seasonings, or butter. “I usually cut my portions in half immediately and make a dogie-bag before I even start my meal,” he notes, “It makes a great lunch for the next day.” I feel like I can handle going out to any restaurant. It’s amazing what you can do to cut calories, if you just think about it first.”
“The success is in the planning,” asserts George, “It’s all about making weight loss and fitness a priority, and planning around it.” Another nutritional tip George includes in his regimen is what he calls the “food challenge.” “I take a decadent dish and make it healthy,” he explains, “I get creative and substitute fattening ingredients with healthy choices. I never eat processed food, but I never deny myself any particular foods.”
At one point, George hit a plateau. Despite exercising regularly and following a calorie-controlled eating regime, he wasn’t losing an average of six pounds a week, as he had previously experienced for many months. He sat down with Joe and they re-evaluated his plan. As a result, George realized he actually had to increase his daily caloric intake to accommodate his increased metabolic rate. “The challenges continue to change, and I have to constantly stay on top of my weight-loss efforts, but there has definitely been a shift in my the way I look at things now,” he says, “It’s all about being physically fit and embracing a healthy lifestyle.”
George also notes that his diet is just a part of his overall success. In two years, there has not been a day when he skipped a work-out or didn’t engage in some type of physical activity. Now 277 pounds less than the man he was two years ago (that’s two whole people!), George is off all medication, physically strong, and lives a much more vibrant, active life. His food choices and fitness activities are now part of his lifestyle, not simply components of a weight-loss plan.
As far as rewarding himself for all that he has accomplished, George certainly doesn’t think about splurging on a decadent dessert. “My personal reward system has undergone a complete shift,” he notes, “In the past, when I would accomplish something at work or want to celebrate a birthday, I would go out to dinner. Now, I treat myself with fitness.”
“This is truly an example of what I want my clients to experience,” says Joe, “Of course I want them to reach their weight-loss goals, but most of all I want people to embrace the full benefits of a healthy lifestyle, where they are not just thin, but healthy, happy, successful individuals in all areas of life. When clients follow my plan for eating right and exercising, they soon realize that it’s not a program, it’s a lifestyle.”
Change your life today. Call or visit Passion for Fitness and experience the outstanding benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Bob 405 lbs – 253lbs (152 lbs weight loss)

Passion For Fitness
It’s a Lifestyle, Not a Program
A year ago Bob Coulter was celebrating his fortieth birthday. There wasn’t much to celebrate, however, because he was on the verge of high blood pressure, diabetes, and a heart- attack. “I weighed 405 pounds and my health was snowballing,” he says. “I knew I had to do something, but I just didn’t know what to do.” A year later, he is 152 pounds lighter and an entirely new, healthier, happier person, thanks to Joe Ransom and his team at Passion For Fitness.
“My wife had called several different trainers, some of whom did not even want to talk to me because of my weight,” Bob recalls. “She contacted Joe, and he immediately told her to bring me in. I reluctantly agreed, but as soon as I met him, I knew he was the guy who could help me. About two weeks into my training, he called me on a Friday night, just to tell me he was proud of me, and to keep up the good work. That’s the difference here at Passion For Fitness…you really feel like there’s someone in your corner.”
40 lbs Weight loss


I have been coming to PFF since the end of February 2018, eleven months. I have never been part of a training program or a “gym” before. It has been life changing. Not only have I lost 40 lbs., but I have learned so much about my body and the need for physical fitness. I feel stronger, more agile and healthier. I am not to my goal weight yet, but can see a finish line! I could not imagine my life without exercise.
Carol Ann Roke


I started working out at Passion for Fitness in spring 2010. I worked out 2x a week, mainly doing private training with an occasional small group class. It worked okay for me but I didn’t see any huge changes because I wasn’t working out enough and I didn’t change my eating. As I got older, I could tell my metabolism was changing. My weight inched up and I could see that my body fat was increasing. About a year ago, I hit my highest weight. None of my clothes were fitting properly and I knew I had to make a change. After a talk with Joe, I signed up for the unlimited monthly package for small group classes. I started to work out much more often and pretty quickly was working out 5-6 times a week with a combination of small group classes and private training. In the fall of 2018, I started to join the honking classes and quickly moved from the 30 minute to the 45 minute class. I became more conscious of my eating and stopped drinking a glass of wine with dinner every night. I have dropped some weight but I’ve tried to focus more on how I feel. My body fat is less, my midsection has slimmed out and my clothes are fitting much better. I feel stronger, leaner and better than I did 10 years ago. I also think that working out more has helped with my stress levels and the winter blues. I like that Passion for Fitness is a community. When you walk into a class, you always know someone else. If I miss the 6am class in Exton for a few days, someone in the morning crew will ask where I’ve been. I think this helps to keep me accountable and on track. And even on the days I don’t feel like working out, I always feel better afterwards and glad I did it. My goal now is to continue to reduce my body fat and working towards my goal weight. I also want to continue to challenge myself to get stronger and healthier.
Heather Devine
10lbs Weight loss


I went from 148lbs down to 138lbs! The PFF team has really helped me to be accountable for working out regularly & for being more conscious of what to eat. I never realized how many calories there were in some of the foods I was eating on a daily basis! The mixture of personal training/ nutrition coaching, honking and small group training has been a great fit for my lifestyle.
Julie Krumenacker


I came to Passion for Fitness about six years ago, with the goal of finding a new way to work out and slim down. At the time, running was my passion. However, Degenerative Disc Disease was preventing me from doing so without experiencing debilitating lower back pain. I began to work out with Joe, who had a thorough understanding of my spinal anatomy and paid meticulous attention to my back issues. I had never met someone so focused and dedicated not simply to providing a work-out, but to keeping me safe and getting me strong. One day, I was playing tennis and sustained an additional injury to my back. An MRI showed compression at L4-S1, causing a pinched nerve and severe pain. It was a major setback and I was extremely frustrated. I was 48 years old and felt like I was 90. Two orthopedic doctors recommended surgery, which I seriously considered. I kept going back to see Joe, who provided me with rehabilitative exercises, encouraging me to be patient and stay the course. I slowly but surely began to get better and stronger. He introduced kettlebell training and I was amazed at the overall affect it had on my ability to function without pain. It literally changed my life. Three years later, I am completely pain-free and stronger than I was in my 20’s! I recently trained for and achieved Level 1 certification from Strong First, the most respected, principle-based training methodology with the highest standards in the industry (the platform used at PFF). The biggest thing I learned through my time at PFF is that strength is freedom. It is the key to living my best life. I can honestly say that I feel better at age 51 than ever before.
Anna Lambert
23 lbs weight loss


When I was younger, I ate a lot, especially junk food. As I got older, I started to gain weight. This is when I started to feel self-conscious about myself and my weight. My clothes started to not fit me and I started to feel sad. I was even bullied because of how I looked. In the summer, I would hide my body just by wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. When I was a senior in high school, my mom found a gym called Passion For Fitness. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but I had doubts that I would never feel good about myself ever again. When I started working out at Passion For Fitness, I was uncomfortable because of how my body looked and I didn’t know anyone. After working out at Passion For Fitness for about a month, I started to love it. After doing 2 programs at 2 different colleges, I started to gain weight again. When I was home for the summer of 2018, I started to get fit again and I started to feel happier. In August 2018, I was going into my freshman year in college. I can’t even tell you how much I gained so quickly. In the beginning of 2019, I tried working out but it was hard. I didn’t care about what I looked like anymore, so I ate my feelings. When I did a MiniMester in May 2019, I started going to the gym about 3 to 4 times a week. I was in Connecticut when this happened and it helped a lot but I barely lost weight. When I got home for summer officially, I weighed in 208lbs. After about 1 month, which was June 2019, I lost 23 pounds. How did I do that? I didn’t like working out in the mornings. I didn’t like getting out of bed early. After going to Passion For Fitness and trying it out, I started to like it and it always woke me up. So, I started working out at Passion For Fitness in the mornings. Then at night, I will run around my neighborhood. This has helped me physically and mentally and especially when I’m having a bad day. It was very hard to give up on the foods/drinks I love but after starting to eat healthier and working out, it has helped me so much. If I don’t feel like eating actual food, I’ll make myself a protein smoothie. If I do want to eat something, of course I’ll eat something healthy. Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, oatmeal with fruit, yogurt with fruit or cereal. Lunch: Healthy sandwich, protein smoothie or a salad. Dinner: Chicken with veggies, fish with veggies or just a salad. Not only have I been running almost every night and eating healthier, working out at Passion For Fitness has helped me grow and learn to love myself no matter what. I love walking in there, seeing one of the trainers and seeing a big smile on their face. It makes my day and it makes me smile. They’ve helped me so much, I can’t thank them for all they’ve done for me. God Bless everyone from Passion For Fitness. You’ve changed me. One of my favorite workouts to do is the farmers walk. Yes it hurts my arms but you can feel it working.
Ted Tretheway
32 lbs Weight loss


Ted came to PFF after his wife pestered him to go see Joe. Ted complained of knee and shoulder pain after years of abuse in the construction industry. His orthopedic told him to hold strong for knee and shoulder replacements but the daily pain made for long days. He came to see Joe who helped him with rehab and weight loss. He has lost 32lbs and feels great. He is now committed to eating better and he is motivated to walk and workout. He is addicted to PFF and refuses to miss a session. He hopes to lose another 10lbs. Thank you PFF!
Chris Konell

I own an Insurance Agency in Phoenixville and sit behind a desk most days. Being sedentary, I knew that I needed a change. So when I saw the PFF road sign, I thought that I would stop in and check it out. That was January 2012 and I have been there ever since. My goal was to get in better shape and to drop some weight. Since then I have lost 15 pounds and at age 62 I feel better and stronger than I did at 52. During the past couple of years I have entered the 10 mile broad Street Run in Philadelphia and the 65 mile Tour De Shore Bike Ride from Philadelphia to Atlantic City. My endurance level has definitely benefitted from my workouts. But my real passion is golf and you can find me out on the golf course twice a week. I have traveled extensively around the USA and other countries such as Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Beth and Joe have been working on my flexibility and strength which definitely improves my golf game. In September of this year my playing partner and I won the Member Guest Tournament at Springford Country Club in Royersford where we beat 59 other teams to claim first place!
Gary Woomer
57 lbs Weight loss


Sitting in the doctor’s office at 40 years of age I was 235 pounds with high blood pressure and borderline diabetes. It was no secret that I liked to indulge myself, but unfortunately it was now taking a toll on my health and well being. The doctor prescribed medications after my inquiry about making major lifestyle changes fell on his deaf ears. Knowing that I had to make changes to the way I was living, I began dieting with moderate success. However, this just wasn’t enough. While driving home one day, I saw the Passion For Fitness sign advertising an Open House event for the upcoming weekend, so I decided to take a chance and see what it was all about. I met with Joe, who was able to confirm what I already knew about my current health status. But unlike my doctor, Joe told me about what we could accomplish together if I committed myself to exercise and proper nutrition. I must admit I was hesitant at first, but it wasn’t long before I began seeing the results we were hoping for. Better yet, others were noticing as well. My self-esteem began to soar. With the help of Joe and his team I was able to recognize that I had the ability to control my own destiny as it related to my health. Fast forward almost four years and I’m now a completely different person. No medications, no high blood pressure, and no diabetes. I’m in good health and feel great at 178 pounds. I perform at a higher level at both work and in my recreational pursuits. Best of all, I’ve learned something that I did not expect – that it’s never too late to make a change for the better. I can’t thank Joe and the PFF staff enough for what we have accomplished together.
Rebecca Christensen
30 lbs Weight loss


I’ve struggled with my weight loss for years. I was able to lose a lot of weight on my own with just diet and exercise. However, once the scale stop moving, I started to get discouraged. Every day I would pass by Passion for Fitness. I figured maybe it’s time to try something different. The staff at Passion for Fitness want each and every one of their clients to be successful. On our first meeting, we set up a work out plan and I even signed up to receive a metabolic test, to see if I’m taking in enough calories to support my fitness goals. Small group classes, personal training, and even a cardio class called “honking” (basically bikes without seats), turned out to be exactly what I needed. Within the first few weeks, the scale moved. Finally! After six months in the program, I drop 30 pounds. I’m getting closer to my weight loss goal. I’m thankful to have found Passion for Fitness and the many dedicated members/ clients that help support and push me to reach my goals.
Rick Christensen
30 lbs Weight loss


My wife and I signed up about a year ago at Passion for Fitness in Phoenixville. Joe and his team are all oriented towards form, function, and safety. You will not be throwing around weights just because it is the current trend in fitness. Every exercise has a purpose. If you have restrictions from previous injuries or weaker muscle groups, the trainers can provide alternative exercises that are safe and effective. It is also a great place to gain whole body strength by working on the lats and glutes. It is crazy how much stronger I feel from working on those two muscle groups. Also, just because they are safety oriented programs does not mean you will not sweat! It is just like anything else in life, you get out of it what you put in. I promise that if you are motivated you will see results. All in all a great place to get fit. Check it out if you get a chance!